Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week One

School has begun.  The supply lists have been completed and the teachers have been met.  Unexpectedly, my pre-k four year old gets to go for the entire day instead of the usual three hours.  Woo Hoo, Woo Hoo, Woo Hoo!  I thought I would be sad to see him go to school like a big boy.  I was sad for the first one, no so much for the second since he had not been home alone and the two always fought (still do).  However, the four year old was the baby until last year.  He's been stuck to me since day one.  When his brother had to have surgery over the summer, I sent him and the oldest to Gramma's house.  It was difficult.  We both got over it.  He was not home a day when I found out that he would be going to school full-time.  Even that short amount of time was enough to realize that I had grown accustomed to quasi-quiet.  Screaming-tornado children are in direct conflict with my sanity. 

On the first day of school, 4 days ago, he was so excited and loved to be there and I was thrilled for him.  He's not allowed to ride the bus in the program, so I take him to school in the morning.  Usually, I'm not a morning person, but this forces me to be dressed and presentable before 8 a.m.  When I got home on Monday, it was unbelievably quiet with just me and the baby.  He's such a good baby, only cries when dirty or hungry.  I could not believe how much I got done before lunch.  I had to stop just to try to pace myself.  God forbid I get too much done, Hubby might expect me to do it everyday.  Sorry, that's just not going to happen. I even got to spend time with a friend of mine I haven't had a chance to see in months.  I used to think it was a hassle carting around my first child.  He was an only child for six years.  I took him everywhere with me.  Then came the next one, and the next one after than came a year later.  Now, there are four that I cart around with me everywhere.  It makes life...interesting, to say the least.  So, the past few days, of me and one very quiet child,  have been phenomenal.  I get enough accomplished during the day that I'm no longer rushed when they get home from school.  They are bathed early with clothes picked out for tomorrow.  Dinner is finished and they've eaten with enough time left over to relax before bedtime.  If I can keep this up, this year will be fabulous.

Then again, it is only the first week of school

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