Saturday, December 5, 2009

Slow Start

It's 50 degrees and raining, for two days now.  For most of the country this isn't so bad, but for FL it is FREEZING with the strong winds and rain.  It wouldn't be so bad but for the rain.  It's like a monsoon and everything is practically flooded.  Yet, my chickens stand out in the cold rain instead in the sheltered part of the  pen.  Hmmm.  I always thought that it was turkeys that weren't so bright.  I'm afraid I'll go out there and they'd have caught pneumonia and keeled over.  Not exactly the kind of Christmas opener one would hope for.  There are quite a few craft/Holiday fairs and parades this weekend, or should I say was.  Most have been canceled or postponed until further notice.  There is one small fair that has been moved inside.  I'm not so sure if it would be a good idea to drag my brood through a bunch of vendors crammed in a small space.  We'll see if the rain lets up. 

I'm still recovering from Thanksgiving with my family.  It was very nice, yet highly stressful as was the drive home with four kids.  To my surprise I'm about 2/3 of the way through my Christmas shopping and it was mostly stress free.  Procrastination on my family's part made us lose some really great cyber-deals, but other than that, so far so good.  I had planned to drag out my stores of Christmas stuff, but with the weather being what it is, I am completely unmotivated. 

Usually I make all my garland and wreaths from actual pine boughs.  I love doing it.  It is peaceful and the kids are mesmerized by the transformation from twigs to Christmas.  But again, I am just not feeling it yet.  I'll probably make all the wreaths, the four for our house inside and out and then a few as gifts for my friends.  They always seem to appreciate the effort.  I hand make the wreaths, bows, and whatever else.  I have this tree that has very long lasting berries in the winter, no clue what it is.  This lets me use natural embellishments on my wreaths and garlands.  Though I'm allergic to holly (mildly), we have several bushes that just will not die.  They are stubborn little buggers, but they make for nice embellishments as well.  Last year, I even made a wreath out of the holly.  It stays green and shiny for a very long time, but it was more trouble that it was worth with my swollen purple hands and all.  Anyway, I think I'll pull out my case of artificial garland and start to decorate that instead.  I usually use it on my outside railings, but if I double it up and use my fancy ribbon, maybe I'll substitute it for the real thing this year.  It doesn't smell as nice, but it'll be fine. 

We're a bit late getting our tree this year. Perhaps I'll get into things when that is up and twinkling at me.  For now, it is cold and raining.  On goes the Christmas music and out comes the ribbon.  We'll see how quickly things change.

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