Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kick the Can

Sitting here by the light of the screen, I find myself wondering about where I am, where I am going, and how on Earth did I even get here.  With so much to be thankful for, it feels selfish to want, well, anything. Still, I wish I would get off my booty and finish one of the many writing projects I have on the table. I swear, I spend more time wondering why I can't seem to get motivated than anything else. No the best use of time, but I am an excellent procrastinator. 

I am now armed with a very motivated business and spiritual partner. Perhaps his motivation will rub off on me. Perhaps he'll kick me in the tuchis. Ah, I can only hope.  There is so much on the horizon, I am thrilled to be at the foothills of potential greatness.  

We are all susceptible to demotivating bouts of self-doubt.  But none of us will ever get anywhere if we don't take that first step, however small.  So perhaps I shall pick up the book I didn't finish writing...yet. Then again, that great idea for the next book is shaping up nicely. Still, the first time the writing bug bite me, it drew blood. My passion for my initial writing project runs deep. Perhaps I'll baby that one, slowly molding it into what it was always meant to be. I just need a boost every now and again. Don't we all. 

So I shall call my ever-so-positive partner and maybe he'll give me a good swift kick. After all, I have to get off of it in order to be kicked in it. 

Never give up on what's in your heart my friends. It's there for a reason. 


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